Page name: South Park Fans united [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-09-28 14:37:12
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South Park Fans United

 Owner:[Zacks Pixie Bitch]

   Are u a hard core fan of south park? I AM,If u are u must MUST must join!! and even ifu dont like it that much..thats ok u must join tho!

Places to go:
1) Whos your favortie South Park person?
2) Favoritve South Park Episode
3) South Park Badges

1)[Zacks Pixie Bitch]Oh my god you killed kenny...YOU BASTARDS!!
2)[Beautiful Disaster] you will respect mah ....
3)[Brookes Sexy Juggalo]U shit face cock masters
4)[Katie love Casey] You are a boner bighitng dick fart fuck face!
6)[apple babble] uncle fucker!!
7)[Tiggris] ::sings:: Blame Canada...etc
8)[AtReYuBaTmAn] Whateva Whateva, Ill Do What I Want!
9)[FalseReality]- screw you guys, i'm going home/no kitty this is my pot pie
10)[Paul Dean] Respect my athority
11)[Picture Perfect Loser] Oh my god you kill Kenny....-Blinks- You Bastard
12)[DaD23] Screw you guys, I'm going home!
13)[elfprincess021] dont forget to bring a towel. wanna get high?
14)[no hardcore dancing in the living room.] chefs chocolate balls
15)[Shiki_Mikado] Mmk
16)[lil funky squirrel]YA!go south park!
17)[*~*Sexxi*~*] I LOVE CARTMAN!
18)[~!$*Bunni*$!~] oh no they killed kenny!
19)[Sean the 8-bit Legend]"Non of us are gonna go to heaven cause one of us is a J-O-O" Cartman rulz!!!
21) [OvertheMoooon] need coffee!!!!!!
22)[pipper68]Respect my athority
23) [deus-ex-machina] ahhh-tah *looks at breasts*
24) [BANGxXxYOUR DEAD] timmy timmy timmy
25) [de_matteo] who wants 2 touch me? I SED WHO WANTS 2 TOUCH ME!!!!!
26)[hallolizzie] "I used to think that God put handicapped people here on earth for my I see there is so much more to them..."
28)[schmee!] Don't forget to bring a towel!! ......
29)[Quit Elftown]-japense have small penis Americans have big penis
30)[i need to improvise] *twitches* need coffee!!!!! ahhhhh!!!!! teh underpanst knomes are back!!!!! ahhhh!!!!!! *twitches*
31) [To Whom It May Concern] thats it screw you guys im going home
34)[me matas]meow? no kittie thats my pot pie!!!
35)[code red269] south park is the shit
36)[+The Evil Death Eskimo+]
39)[Suicidal Tendencies]
40)[XxBeautiful DisgracexX]
42)[nameless, again]
43)[juvi phase2.0(new poll)]
44)[popsiclejoint] TIMMYAH!
45)[Life's A Bitch Be Its Pimp]mmmm...k
460[Lordpodo] u go to hell u go to hell and u die!!!
47)[Wish Fix] OMG It Killed Kenny! You bastards!
48)[RANCID Chick] "OMG Cartman you have an 80ft satilite sticking out of your ass!!!" "Whatever guys I know your making it up"
49)[†Glitter Suicide] I would never kill someone! Not unless they really pissed me off
50)[Eyelash-Wishes] South Park is Awesome!!! I love Butters, he's so cute!!

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2004-08-28 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: ^^

2004-09-01 [Quit Elftown]: I WANNA JOIN I LOVE BUTTERS!

2004-09-01 [schmee!]: howdy-ho!!... hope noone minds that i joined... lol

2004-09-01 [Zacks Pixie Bitch]: nope i dont mind at all im glad u did.. Yall wanna get high?

2004-09-01 [Zacks Pixie Bitch]: go ahead and join [Quit Elftown]

2004-09-01 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: ok...

2004-09-02 [schmee!]: lol yeah sure i'll get high, like how i did at ozzfest

2004-09-02 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: lol i want the ozzfest cd so bad!

2004-09-02 [schmee!]: the sampler? haha i have it... and i got the artist book inside autographed

2004-09-03 [Quit Elftown]: lol cool...

2004-09-03 [Zacks Pixie Bitch]: Hey Vash hey eterna Hey Super!!! ne of yall here????

2004-09-03 [schmee!]: yeah im here now lol

2004-09-03 [Zacks Pixie Bitch]: lol hey whats upppp?

2004-09-03 [schmee!]: im playing with my kitten and im bummed out :(

2004-09-03 [Zacks Pixie Bitch]: awwwwz kittie kittie ..i have 2 kittes ones sleep on the couch and the others sleep on the printer and every time i hit a letter she flenches awww whats wrong ? why u bummed out?

2004-09-03 [schmee!]: because the kitty that im playing with, i have to give her away... shes leaving tomorrow *cries*

2004-09-04 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: awww that must suck

2004-09-04 [schmee!]: im bummed out, but then again i have 2 other cats and a dog... lol i should of named the one cat cartman cause shes so fucking fat lol

2004-09-04 [Zacks Pixie Bitch]: lol i have to kitties both girls...sister Randi and Mandi ...Mandis nick name is kitty bitch and Randis is Fat kitty bitch..LMAO im so mean

2004-09-04 [schmee!]: aww oh well im mean to my cat all the time lol

2004-09-05 [Zacks Pixie Bitch]: lol Eh *sigh* ..So bored.. *waiting for ma baybah to get online or call meeh*...*impatencie*

2004-09-05 [schmee!]: lol well go watch a movie then

2004-09-05 [Zacks Pixie Bitch]: eh we got ahella lotta movies here but im bored of all of them but i dont need to now cuz im talkin to my hunnay bear right now!

2004-09-05 [schmee!]: aww how cute lol

2004-09-06 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: haha

2004-09-23 [schmee!]: lol anyways, whats up peoples??!!!

2004-10-11 [SpecialK]: can i join

2004-10-12 [schmee!]: if you want to

2004-10-12 [Zacks Pixie Bitch]: hey [schmee!] dont just come out n say [SpecialK] can join..mabey i dont want him/her to join!  lol naww [SpecialK] Go ahead and join dude i aint gotta prob with it (just playin [schmee!] btw

2004-10-13 [schmee!]: lol i may be blonde, but im not that stupid!!!! wow i feel so loved now....

2004-11-26 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: someone talk!!! this dead and lifeless wiki..... so sad... kindof

2004-11-26 [Zacks Pixie Bitch]: damn dont be dissin on my wiki,shit

2004-11-27 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: alright damn calm down

2004-11-27 [Zacks Pixie Bitch]: lol sorry ... *has bulit up anger*

2004-11-27 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: ah ok...

2004-12-01 [schmee!]: dear god, i haven't been online for like, 2 weeks....... death to me *dies*

2004-12-01 [Zacks Pixie Bitch]: NO U SHALL'NT DIE! lmao like my lingo?

2004-12-01 [schmee!]: your lingo is sexy lol

2004-12-01 [Zacks Pixie Bitch]: lol!Well Ty/ Whee, Whats up

2004-12-02 [schmee!]: i think im permamently deaf in my right ear from being sick with the flu so long and um... im hungry lol

2004-12-02 [Zacks Pixie Bitch]: lol..then go get food ?

2004-12-02 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: ah

2004-12-02 [Zacks Pixie Bitch]: Hey [AtReYuBaTmAn]

2004-12-02 [Zacks Pixie Bitch]: Okays im outta here cuz 1 Im tired--2 I havent talked to Zack yet this afternoon and Im blocking the Phone line so Laters Ne + every 1

2004-12-22 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: ok

2004-12-23 [me matas]: hee hee... meow whats up ?

2004-12-23 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: nothing just watching south park

2004-12-23 [me matas]: yeah!!!

2004-12-23 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: yup

2004-12-23 [me matas]: what episode?

2004-12-23 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: the christmas one where cartman is trying to be good right before santa comes so hes not on the naughty list anymore

2004-12-23 [me matas]: o0o hee hee!!!! i dont think i seen that one

2004-12-24 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: well twas on but now its another night so i wonder what'll be on

2004-12-24 [me matas]: yeah ..!!! i dont know !

2004-12-24 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: there was no south park last nite they just played movies all day on comedy central

2004-12-24 [me matas]: yeah i know!1 i was pissed!

2004-12-24 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: now all day today they are playing mad tv which gets really dumb after awhile

2004-12-24 [me matas]: yeah i know cause ive seen like all of them!ahahahahahhaahaha

2004-12-24 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: i havent seen hardly any of them but i like SNL alot more

2004-12-24 [me matas]: yeah... i dont know like i like certain skits that each show does...

2004-12-24 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: yeah thats about the same here but i only like the parodies on mad tv like when they made fun of pulp fiction and it was like forrest gump and bubba

2004-12-28 [me matas]: yeah!!!

2004-12-28 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: i love that one

2004-12-29 [me matas]: hee favorites are the ones with stuert..!! ther fucking hilarious!

2005-01-02 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: yeah that is my favorite original story that i like of theirs but i most like the parodies of movies and stuff

2005-01-02 [me matas]: yeah there great too

2005-01-02 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: yeah

2005-01-02 [me matas]: hee hee!!!!

2005-01-02 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: so did you watch the south park new years eve thing?

2005-01-02 [me matas]: yesh i did !!! fucking awesome!

2005-01-06 [pinefairy]: no i was at a party what happened i wanna know!

2005-01-06 [me matas]: umm.. well there was abunch of eppisodes.. and then they played the douth park movie..

2005-01-07 [pinefairy]: awwww makes me wanna cry

2005-01-08 [me matas]: lol!!!

2005-01-08 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: i have the movie but i watched some of the episodes

2005-01-09 [me matas]: lol i had the movie till my friend threw it like a frisbe at the wall!!!! iwas like what the fuck!!!!

2005-01-11 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: i would have been pissed

2005-01-12 [me matas]: i was i jumped on her and starting hitting her! **sighs**

2005-01-14 [schmee!]: lol cat fight!!! no, that reminds me... after school, there was a 'fight', and two guys were like, hugging each other and taking their clothes off... i guess what qualified as a fight was the fact that they both did the windmill

2005-01-14 [me matas]: o0o free gay porn! **grins**

2005-01-14 [schmee!]: woa there buddy

2005-01-14 [me matas]: lol **laughs at her self**

2005-01-14 [schmee!]: um, that was queer

2005-01-14 [me matas]: hee hee

2005-01-14 [schmee!]: lol

2005-01-14 [me matas]: hee hee i am gueer im bi.....

2005-01-14 [schmee!]: wow that was extra info

2005-01-14 [me matas]: no just thought you should no!

2005-01-14 [schmee!]: thats ok i didnt need to know

2005-01-14 [me matas]: o0o well

2005-01-16 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: yeah

2005-01-16 [me matas]: hee hee

2005-02-02 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: yeah yeah

2005-02-08 [me matas]: meow?

2005-02-22 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: south park monster week this week

2005-02-22 [Marine Wife 4 life]: Hey can i join? I love south park!!

2005-02-23 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: yeah

2005-02-24 [schmee!]: woo!! new member!!

2005-02-24 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: yeah no one is hardly ever here...

2005-02-24 [Zacks Pixie Bitch]: lol.. wiki has no love.. sept it gits love from eterna* ur like the only person who ever talks here.. *tear* no love for the

2005-02-24 [Zacks Pixie Bitch]: aw that ma fuckers the new member..i hate that

2005-02-24 [Zacks Pixie Bitch]: OMG yall i saw this episode the other night it was when Chef was gunna marry the suckubuss (my bfs aunt calls me that..GRRREAT) ne ways but i liked when his parents where talkin bout the locness monster..."ill need about tree fidty" LMAO..sorry its funny..if u had lunch wit me n my friends at school ud get it...ok neways

2005-02-24 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: i like that part alot too! i think thats hilarious "and i say why do you need to give that thing tree fitty! stop givin that damned monster tree fitty!" lol thats hilarious im in here talking too most of time

2005-02-25 [schmee!]: yeah, same here... oh wait, that's already been stated lol

2005-02-26 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: yeah haha

2005-02-27 [Zacks Pixie Bitch]: lol

2005-02-27 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: it was on last night too

2005-03-02 [me matas]: lol i love the one with the succubus!! lol !

2005-03-02 [The Rejekt]: yeah that was funny

2005-03-05 [Zacks Pixie Bitch]: Hey When do the new episodes come one???

2005-03-05 [schmee!]: like, wednesday nights i think... idk, i havent watched any new ones in a while

2005-03-05 [The Rejekt]: yeah it's wednesday

2005-03-07 [me matas]: coolies ill try to catch one or two .. midnight right?

2005-03-08 [The Rejekt]: i think 10

2005-03-09 [me matas]: lol i never knwo they change times like every season its retarded!!!

2005-03-09 [The Rejekt]: yeah i know

2005-03-14 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: this wednesday is new episodes

2005-03-14 [The Rejekt]: yeah

2005-03-15 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: yep tommorow it is

2005-03-22 [The Rejekt]: yeah

2005-03-22 [me matas]: o0o yeah ! i hopwe i catch it1

2005-03-22 [The Rejekt]: yeah i keep fallin asleep they need 2 make it come on at 5 or 6

2005-03-23 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: i agree.. ive missed every one

2005-03-23 [The Rejekt]: yeah me 2

2005-03-23 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: i watched one last night ive never seen, about the sea people and semen and how they got them mixed up... that was great... lol

2005-03-28 [me matas]: dude my cabel got turned off in like december..

2005-03-29 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: that really sucks

2005-03-29 [The Rejekt]: yeah it does

2005-03-29 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: i dont think i could stand not having cable

2005-03-29 [The Rejekt]: yeah i had 2 go through that 1nce and it about killed me

2005-03-29 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: wow... i didnt used to have cable in my bedroom.. but now i do

2005-03-29 [The Rejekt]: yeah i do 2

2005-03-29 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: cool

2005-03-29 [The Rejekt]: yeah

2005-03-29 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: did you catch the new one last wednesday?

2005-03-29 [The Rejekt]: yeah it was really funny

2005-03-29 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: yeah it was

2005-03-29 [The Rejekt]: yeah

2005-03-29 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: hmmm what else?

2005-03-30 [Mirokiala]: hello?

2005-03-30 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: hi

2005-04-01 [The Rejekt]: hey

2005-04-02 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: how goes it?

2005-04-04 [me matas]: yeah.. **huggles her self reasuringly**

2005-04-05 [The Rejekt]: pretty good u

2005-04-05 [me matas]: meow

2005-04-05 [The Rejekt]: cool

2005-04-05 [me matas]: hee hee

2005-04-05 [The Rejekt]: so wat's up

2005-04-05 [me matas]: nothign... being lazy.. you?

2005-04-05 [The Rejekt]: same thing except i'm workin on a wiki

2005-04-05 [me matas]: nice which one

2005-04-05 [me matas]: nice which one?

2005-04-10 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: who caught the little league baseball episode?!

2005-04-10 [The Rejekt]: i caught some of it

2005-04-10 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: that one was funny

2005-04-10 [The Rejekt]: yeah i know

2005-04-10 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: stans dad was like "Hey, I thought this was America! I thought this was America... Isn't this America?" hahaha

2005-04-10 [The Rejekt]: yeah that was so funny

2005-04-13 [me matas]: i didnt see that one **sighs**

2005-04-13 [The Rejekt]: it was funny

2005-04-16 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: yeah it was great... now they had the one where cartman thought he was dead cuz everyone ignored him... lol

2005-04-18 [The Rejekt]: i didn't get 2 see that 1

2005-04-23 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: pretty goooood

2005-04-24 [The Rejekt]: cool

2005-04-27 [me matas]: poor me no cable!!

2005-04-27 [The Rejekt]: that must suck

2005-05-13 [AtReYuBaTmAn]: yeah

2005-05-31 [me matas]: yesh it does big hairy blue balls!!!

2005-05-31 [The Rejekt]: lol

2005-06-01 [me matas]: hee hee hee

2005-06-01 [The Rejekt]: so wat's up?

2005-06-01 [me matas]: nothing much tyou?

2005-06-01 [The Rejekt]: i was listenin 2 Mudvayne

2005-06-08 [me matas]: nice

2005-06-09 [The Rejekt]: yeah i know

2005-06-28 [me matas]: hee hee i love mushroom head

2005-06-28 [The Rejekt]: they r ok

2005-07-14 [me matas]: ^_^

2005-07-14 [The Rejekt]: so wat's up?

2005-07-15 [me matas]: nothign just being myself .. you?

2005-07-16 [The Rejekt]: bout the same

2005-07-21 [me matas]: sweet1

2005-07-21 [The Rejekt]: yea

2005-08-12 [me matas]: meow

2005-08-12 [The Rejekt]: lmao

2005-08-18 [me matas]: hee hee

2005-08-18 [The Rejekt]: dat's cool

2005-08-24 [me matas]: yeah boiiiiiiiiiiiii

2005-08-24 [The Rejekt]: lmao

2005-08-24 [me matas]: hee hee

2005-08-24 [The Rejekt]: so wat's up?

2005-09-09 [me matas]: not much trying to get through the first week of school!

2005-09-12 [The Rejekt]: sux don't it lol

2005-09-14 [me matas]: yesh.. lol sophmore year argh!

2005-09-14 [The Rejekt]: lol

2005-09-15 [me matas]: ...

2005-09-15 [The Rejekt]: wtf

2005-09-16 [me matas]: ...

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